Learning in the SSU
SSU Curriculum Overview
Our broad, balanced and personalised curriculum is in line with the National Curriculum and adapted to the children’s needs. This enables pupils to thrive and fulfil their potential, equipping them for the next stage of their education. The holistic nature of our practice enhances children’s academic learning, communication skills, social skills and life skills whilst promoting positive mental health and wellbeing.
Lessons are in line with the children's abilities with tasks carried out in small groups to enable pupils to make small-step progress in all subject areas.
Pupils have a broad and balanced curriculum, including full access to foundation subjects in line with their ability.
There are daily opportunities for personal development in the SSU including emotional literacy support. Timetabled lessons include outdoor learning and independent life skills such as cooking and gardening.
Our 'Personalised Curriculum' provides additional interventions based on the children's needs. For example: gym trail, finger gym, handwriting, spelling, phonics, communication, SALT, emotional literacy and social skills.
Each child has a termly individual learning plan with personalised targets relating to each of their EHCP outcomes. This links to our 'graduated approach' as we use the assess, plan, do and review cycle.
Grasshopper Class (Pre-Formal Learning Environment)
Ladybird Class (Early Formal Learning Environment)
Pupil Views: What do you enjoy about school?
“Doing swimming. Sports day. I like helping the Grasshoppers in the rocket area.”
“Reading. Work. Playing with friends.”
“Art. Maths.”
“I’m proud of my English. I have done good eating of my dinner. I’m happy playing with my friends outside on the slide.”
“Good friends. Reading. Taxi. Bus [trips].”
Sparrowhawk Class (Formal Learning Environment)
Pupil Views: What is working well at school?
“I like Maths and the Golden KM because it’s good exercise. I like science - I like the experiments.”
“I am getting on well with my friends, the mainstream ones and in my class...I’m feeling happy and excited to have this year.”
“I like doing the show. Gorseland is fun. I’m happy here and I’ve got friends.”
“Very good. I recommend everything in this school. I recommend the library because you get your own books. The work is explained well, I like the lessons."
“My favourite lesson is maths. I love science and the experiments. I like geography - I liked when we had to move north and south and east and west on the MUGA.”
“My colouring is better. My writing is getting so much better, not even a little bit. My reading is starting to get really, really, really good. If I feel a bit mad, I just grab something and squeeze it. I talk to people about it.”
“I am pleased that I’m exercising every day and I like my physio."