
Subject Leads: Mr. Chapman and Mrs. Wiseman

Subject Overview


At Gorseland Primary School, we see the importance of mathematics as an integral tool to expand the life opportunities of our children. It is our vision to inspire a love of maths within our pupils. We recognise the significant role that mathematics plays in our lives today, and its role in the future. Therefore, we aim to give our pupils secure foundations to prepare them for their life beyond Gorseland, but also an enjoyment of mathematics that supports them in becoming life-long learners. Maths has a vital role in developing problem solving and reasoning skills; as such, we give pupils opportunities to develop their curiosity in maths through open-ended challenges and investigations which widens their experience and application of mathematical knowledge and skill, and ensures that through collaboration and partnership, they develop skills wider than simply those that are mathematical. Gorseland’s maths curriculum is designed to ensure all pupils:


At Gorseland, we teach maths through a mastery approach. The fundamental principle of mastery teaching is that all children access the same learning at the same time but are supported or challenged appropriately depending on their level of ability and understanding. Units of learning are longer, giving children the time to master each mathematical concept before moving on to the next. The learning within each unit is broken down into small steps so that knowledge and skills build over time.  

Our curriculum is organised in a coherent and progressive way through key strands of the mathematics National Curriculum. To achieve maths mastery, we use the White Rose Hub maths progression to sequence our maths learning. The blocks of learning, linked to the National Curriculum, ensure that key concepts are taught sequentially from the EYFS to Year Six. Children build on their prior learning systematically, making connections across a range of concepts taught. With regular opportunities to revisit and retrieve prior learning through daily starters, children make links to new ideas. We ensure that children gain knowledge and skills using concrete, pictorial and abstract methods to support their understanding and growing fluency working between varied representations. Teachers scaffold the learning using a ‘do it’, ‘secure it’ and ‘deepen it’ approach, where children first understand a concept using concrete, pictorial, and abstract representations as appropriate. They are then presented with opportunities to apply, problem solve and use reasoning to secure and deepen their understanding of this concept.

Factual fluency (knowledge of key number facts) is developed through the ‘Gorseland Learn-Its’ scheme, whereby children practise key facts weekly in a sequential progression.

We organise interventions for maths to address misconceptions at the point of learning. Children are given opportunities to address errors, receive further teaching or look at upcoming content and key skills needed, to ensure that we are ambitious and give all pupils the opportunity to succeed in maths.

We maintain a high level of subject knowledge of mathematics in our school by regular training and professional development for teachers and subject leaders. Teachers create a positive attitude to mathematics learning within their classrooms and reinforce an expectation that all children are capable of achieving high standards in mathematics.


The intended outcome of our ambitious mathematics curriculum is that children will:

Children’s maths learning is systematically marked by teachers and feedback is given to highlight learning and next steps. Within lessons, teachers and TAs provide targeted support for children to support and deepen their learning. Teachers use ongoing formative assessments and results from summative assessments to adapt teaching as necessary to address misconceptions, fill gaps in knowledge and meet the needs of all children. Children requiring additional support outside of maths lessons are identified and interventions are provided to fill gaps in their knowledge. Teachers use evidence from lessons and summative assessments to make termly teacher assessments for each child against the national curriculum requirements. 

Subject leaders monitor teaching and learning in their subject through observing teaching and learning in lessons, analysing the work produced by children, talking to samples of children in different year groups about what they know and remember from their learning and termly data analysis to track the progress of learning in their subject across the school. 

Maths - Learning Limelight