Early Help Offer
Early Help is about working with partners to help children, young people and families deal with issues as early as possible; providing information, advice and services at the right time; supporting them to resolve their concerns as needs emerge.
The Early Help Offer describes the type of early support that is available to a child or young person whose needs are not being met by routine universal services. However, their needs also do not meet the threshold for a specialist service such as Children’s Social Care.
Our Early Help Offer
Safeguarding Team (Designated Safeguarding Lead, Assistant Safeguarding Leads and a Safeguarding Governor)
Senior Designated Mental Health Lead (Mrs. Parsons)
One Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (Mrs. Hayter)
Emotional Literacy Support 1:1 or in Small Groups
Zones of Regulation
Signs of Safety Toolkit
Staying Safe Blog
Mixed-age Class Meetings
Educational Welfare Officer Support
Robust Transition Packages for Children Joining or Departing Gorseland
Induction Sessions for Reception New Starters
Tailored Learning Interventions
School Nursing Teams
External agency support (Behaviour support, Bereavement Counselling, Child Specific Interventions, FNM, CAF, FSP)
Breakfast Club
After School Club
Lunchtime Play Leaders
Lunchtime and After School Clubs
Pre-Loved School Uniform
Signposting: Mental Heath and Wellbeing Support, Cost of Living Support and SEN-D Resources.