Welcome to Grasshoppers

(Specialist Unit Class - Pre-Formal Learning)   

Class Teachers

Mrs. Tate


Mrs. Iacobucci




Our discrete PE session is on a Friday so please ensure a PE kit is kept in school on these days as the children will be getting changed.


Our library slot is on a Tuesday so please ensure your child's reading for pleasure book is in school this day to be changed.

Home Learning

Grasshopper Class Curriculum Overview

In Grasshopper Class, the curriculum overviews are sent home in letters to families on a weekly basis. This enables the sharing of small-step learning and discrete ideas for opportunities that could be enhanced at home. Also, a spotlight section on support for parents. A few examples are shared below.

Autumn Term

1 - GH Parent Overview Letter 16.9.24
2 - GH Parent Overview Letter 7.10.24
3 - Parent Overview Letter 21.10.24
4 - Parent Overview Letter 11.11.24.docx
5 - Parent Overview Letter 25.11.24
6 - Parent Overview Letter 9.12.24

Learning Limelight 

Look out for examples of our learning in our Gorseland newsletters which are circulated every Friday. Previous newsletters can be viewed HERE.