SEND Information Report

At Gorseland Primary we have high aspirations for all our children and offer a broad and balanced curriculum to all. We are committed to working in partnership with families and professionals to ensure that we remove barriers to learning for every child with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).


Our school information report is part of the Suffolk Local Offer for learners with SEND and is reviewed annually.

Link to Suffolk local offer:


If you have any questions or concerns regarding mainstream SEND at Gorseland Primary School please contact your child’s class teacher or the SENCo (Miss Emily Orr). For pupils in the Specialist Support Unit, please contact your child’s class teacher in the first instance. Mrs. Parsons and Miss Orr are the Designated Teachers for Children in Care and Previously in Care.

What is the SEND profile of the School?

Our school currently provides additional and/or different provision for a range of needs, under the four categories of need. These include:



We do not publish the number of children we have under each category of need, this information it recorded in school on the SEN register.


There are two SEND levels of need:

How do we identify SEND needs?

All children are assessed at least once a term using standardised tests and/or teacher judgements to determine their level of attainment. This information is also used to monitor their progress. If a child is new to the school then information from their previous school or setting is used along with assessment completed during their first few weeks at Gorseland to determine a baseline.


Children who are working below age related expectations or whose progress:

The children are then discussed in more detail during a meeting between the class teacher and a member of the senior leadership team. This information is also shared with parents during parent consultations. Slow progress and low attainment will not automatically mean a pupil is recorded as having SEN.  However, if it is felt that the child’s difficulties may be because of a special educational need more detailed analysis of need is carried out drawing on:


A plan is then created detailing what additional support and/or intervention the child needs. This forms the beginning of the graduated approach and the four-part cycle of assess, plan, do, review.   


If having completed at least 2 cycles of the assess, plan, do review cycle the child has not made the required progress a discussion will take place between the class teacher and/or SENCo and the parents. This conversation will make sure that:


The child is then placed on the school SEN register. A SEND support plan is also written detailing the child’s needs, the outcomes sought, the support provided, and any teaching strategies or approaches that are required.


The termly attainment data is used to track the progress of all children including those with SEND. Other information including scores on standardised tests, progress made during interventions and achievement against SEND support plan targets are also used to determine the progress of children with SEND. This information is used to monitor the effectiveness of support and interventions and their impact on the pupil’s progress, which is reviewed termly. SEN support plans are also reviewed at least once a term. During the review teachers assess pupil attainment against the targets set and new targets are created. Changes to interventions and or support required may also need to be made.

What are the different stages of SEN provision?

Stage 5

Stage 4

Stage 3

Stage 2

Stage 1

- Scaffolding, targeted questioning, writing frame or structured recording sheet

- Use of practical resources and/or resources for support e.g. phonics mats

- Small group support in class from the TA or teacher

- Alternative methods of recording

How do we involve parents/carers and children?

Parent/carer involvement

Pupil Involvement

What is our school's approach to supporting children with SEND?

As stated in the SEN code of Practice (2014) ‘every teacher is a teacher of SEN’ at Gorseland Primary, all teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of all the pupils in their class, including those with SEND. All pupils in school receive high quality teaching that is differentiated where needed to meet the needs of all children regardless of their SEND. Adjustments include:

These are used to ensure all children can access a broad and balanced curriculum. The differentiation and adjustments used are dependent on the individual needs of each child.

Adaptions to the learning environment and resources are also made to remove barriers to learning and ensure all children can access the curriculum on offer. These could include:

What interventions do we offer?

We have a number of different interventions that we run depending on the specific needs of the children or groups of children. All interventions are time limited and targeted to address a specific difficulties or desired outcomes. The impact of each intervention is evaluated to determine its effectiveness based on the impact on the child and progress made.

Communication and Interaction Interventions and Support:

1:1 speech and language intervention (using activities provided by a therapist)

Widgit visual supports

Nuffield Language Intervention

WELLCOMM suggested activities

Lego Therapy

Time to Talk

Pre-teaching of vocabulary

Cognition and Learning Interventions and Support:

Catch up Numeracy

Catch up Literacy

Beat Dyslexia

Rapid Phonics

Clicker 8


Pre- teaching of skills and concepts

Dancing bear

Apples and Pears

Bearing away 

Social, Emotional and Mental Health Interventions and Support:

Feelings groups

Groups or one to one sessions to support anxiety, develop resilience and build self esteem

Bereavement support

Socially speaking

ELSA sessions 

Physical and Sensory Interventions and Support:

Finger gym- pencil grips, slopes

Gym trail

Write from the start

Speed up

Sensory circuits

Fidget toys

Sensory equipment- wobble cushions

Enlargement of text

Accessible equipment 

What support is in place for social and emotional wellbeing?

We support children’s social emotional and mental health needs at Gorseland. Emotional literacy approaches are used across the school including language to acknowledge and validate children’s emotions, discrete teaching of mindfulness and calming strategies as well as support for restorative justice approaches. A number of children have individual emotional literacy sessions which focus on addressing gaps in their emotional and social development. Some children access groups led by an ELSA e.g. focusing on friendship skills or resilience. These interventions are reviewed termly.


All children’s social, emotional and mental health needs are also supported through the comprehensive ‘Jigsaw’ PSHE curriculum the school has adopted. Additional PSHE opportunities are planned by class teachers according to the cohort’s needs.


We have a psychotherapist who works in school one morning a week. He works one to one with children who are identified by the school as requiring specialist support and intervention.


We work with parents and children to ensure good attendance. If a child is struggling to attend school because of their mental health needs, staff work in partnership with families and a bespoke plan is put in place to overcome the specific barriers to attending school.


We have a positive, consistent approach to behaviour management. There is an expectation that all children follow the class and school rules. Children who find it difficult to self-regulate and display unsafe and/or challenging behaviour have bespoke behaviour support plans that address their specific needs and document the strategies that work best when supporting them.


The SENCo and two teaching assistants have also received Mental Health First Aid training, ELSA training is being carried out by a staff member and Mrs. Parsons has complete the Designated Senior Mental Health Lead training. 


A number of members of staff, including the Senior Leadership Team, are trained in safe handling techniques (training delivered by Bellscroft).  


Behaviour is regularly monitored and any issues are addressed as early as possible and if necessary, interventions are implemented. This ensures that all children are able to access the curriculum and learn.

Stage 3

Stage 2

Stage 1

Specialist services and expertise that the school can access

When required, we access specialist services and outreach agencies. These include:

How accessible is the school?

Gorseland School is all on one level and where necessary there are ramps/slopes to ensure all members of the school community have access to the site and building.

We worked closely with the Local Authority Sensory Team to ensure children with sensory difficulties including hearing/visual impairments are able to access the physical environment and a broad and balanced curriculum.

How are all children included in extra-curricular activities and school trips?

Risk assessments are carried out for all school trips and where necessary individual risk assessments are completed for children with SEND. Specific strategies and resources including social stories, photographs and visits to sites prior to the trip are used to support access for all children.


Children with health needs that can affect their time in school have an Individual Health Care Plan. Included in this is any adjustments, equipment or support needed for them to access trips.


All children have access to extra-curricular activities and clubs and where necessary reasonable adjustments are made to ensure all children can participate.

How is the effectiveness of our provision evaluated?

We evaluate the effectiveness of provision for pupils with SEN by:

What training have staff had concerning supporting children with SEND?

Our SENCO is experienced in this role and has completed the National SENCo Award. She is also trained in Mental Health First Aid. The Deputy Head who oversees the SSU (Mrs. Parsons) has also completed the National SENCo Award as well as Designated Senior Mental Health Lead training. 


Recent whole staff training has included

-        Autism and sensory awareness

-        Thrive awareness


Specific staff have also received the following training

-        Elklan Speech and Language

-        Dyslexia interventions

-        Working memory

-        Behaviour

-        Autism

-        ADHD

-        Supporting children with Mental Health Needs

-        Bellscroft de-escalation and restraint training

-        Picture Exchange Communication Training (PECS).

-        Catch up Literacy and Numeracy

-        Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA)

-        Resilience and mental health needs

-        Beat Dyslexia


As the Specialist Support Unit is attached to the mainstream school, advice and support from the skilled staff who work in the unit can be sought. In the past, SSU staff have provided outreach support to mainstream staff.

How does the school support pupils joining or leaving the school and prepare them for adulthood?

All children are offered induction sessions, which they attend with their parents and are given the opportunity to meet their new teacher and support staff, explore the learning environment and meet their new classmates. 


When school places have been allocated, the SENCo contacts all the preschool providers to obtain information about any children with SEND. If necessary specific transition meetings are held with any specialists involved and observations are made of the child. If necessary, a bespoke transition plan is arranged to provide the child and family with additional visits and support.


The SENCo attends the new reception parent’s information sessions and is available to speak to individual parents about their child’s existing SEND or concerns about possible SEND.


When a child with SEND transfers to or from the school mid-year discussions are held with the child’s current school and the parents before the child starts. A transition plan is put in place and strategies including social stories, photo books and a staggered start can be used to ensure a smooth transition.


During the summer term the following things are put in place to support the transition to the next class for children with SEND:


During the last summer term the SENCo meets the learning support and pastoral teams at the receiving High School to discuss the needs of the children in year 6. Staff from the High School come into school to meet the children and also discuss any SEND needs with the year 6 staff. Children with SEND are offered additional visits to the High School and photo books and social stories are used to support the transition process.


For children with an EHCP, High School staff are invited to the transition Annual Review which happens in the Autumn term of year 6. Where necessary we work with the receiving High School to create bespoke transition plans for children with high levels of need.


Children joining and leaving the SSU have bespoke transition plans tailored to individuals. The SSU also has a transition week in July to prepare pupils as much as possible for September.