
It is important that all pupils attend school regularly and punctually. This is vital for ensuring success in each child’s education and in their future lives. 
  • Parents/carers must notify the school on the first and subsequent days of an unplanned absence, by 0900 or as soon as practically possible.
  • We encourage parents to make medical and dental appointments out of school hours where possible. Where this is not possible, the pupil should be out of school for the minimum amount of time necessary.
  • Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence to pupils during term time unless exceptional circumstances are considered. This includes holiday requests.
 We monitor attendance data closely with our Education Welfare Officer and our staff are keen to work with identified pupils and parents/carers to understand and address the reasons for being absent or late. We understand that families have individual challenges and pressures so this might include suggesting strategies, providing direct support or signposting external services. Sometimes, we might need to take a multi-agency approach which could include collaboration with other schools, professionals and the Local Authority. Each minute of school that is missed is a minute of the child's learning experience.Thank you for your support with this important area.