Welcome to Reception
Butterfly Class Teacher
Caterpillar Class Teacher
Mrs. Haig
Mr. Burnett
PE & Outdoor Learning
Our PE days are on a Monday and alternate half terms on a Thursday. Please ensure a PE kit is kept in school on these days as the children will be getting changed at school.
We have outdoor learning in the forest on Thursdays. Please ensure warm and waterproof clothing is in school as well as a pair of boots.
Our library slot is on a Friday so please ensure your child's reading for pleasure book is in school this day to be changed.
Home Learning
Share stories on a daily basis and re-tell them
Practise phonics sounds
Practise counting objects and recognising numbers in different contexts
Play games that involve taking turns
Reception Curriculum Overview
Autumn Term
Spring Term
The Spring 1 overview is for this academic year and the Spring 2 overview will be reviewed by teachers ahead of the half term commencing.
Summer Term
This Summer curriculum overviews will be reviewed by teachers ahead of the half terms commencing.
Learning Limelight
Look out for examples of our learning in our Gorseland newsletters which are circulated every Friday. Previous newsletters can be viewed HERE.