Governing Body

The Gorseland governors are a diverse group made up of parents, staff, members of the local community and appointees of the Local Authority.

The Chair of the Governing Body is Mr. Daniel Webb.


Our role is to define the “ethos” of the school and to put in place the policies and targets for achievement that will shape how our children learn and develop. This is largely achieved through a variety of meetings, ranging from termly Whole Governing Body meetings through to various more focused subcommittees looking at the People, Curriculum, Premises and Finance.

Enhanced by our different backgrounds and experience, we all share the goal of recognising and celebrating the many strengths of our school, whilst at the same time refusing to settle for the school being simply ‘good enough’. We are very fortunate to have a dedicated Headteacher and Deputy Heads, keen and caring staff, an excellent learning environment, very supportive parents with a thriving Parents' and Friends' Association and, of course, over 500 young people who are, after all, what it’s all about.

The governors are all very happy for parents/carers and indeed anyone in our local community to share their opinions with us – or even just to have a more detailed chat about what the governors do. Please feel free to contact any of us via the school office.

Governing Body Composition

Gorseland Primary School is a community school and the governing body consists of:




Daniel Webb (Chair)

Steve Farrow

Jennifer Marley

Nathan Pittam

Nick Shirley

Primary Purpose

Specific Responsibilities



Steve Farrow (Chair)

Jennifer Marley

Samir Rihani

Daniel Webb

Primary Purpose

Specific Responsibilities



Jennifer Marley (Chair)

Steve Farrow

Samir Rihani

Daniel Webb

Primary Purpose

Specific Responsibilities

Pupil Welfare


Nick Shirley (Chair)

Annika Burges

Aris Georgalas

Delma Kirkpatrick

Nathan Pittam

Primary Purpose

Specific Responsibilities



Nathan Pittam (Chair)

Nick Shirley

Annika Burges

Aris Georgalas

Delma Kirkpatrick

Primary Purpose

Specific Responsibilities

Headteacher Performance


Jade Alam (Chair)

Jennifer Marley

Daniel Webb

Governor Attendance

Below is a record of attendance for Governor meetings.

Governor Attendance

Instrument of Government


Governor Details