Governing Body
The Gorseland governors are a diverse group made up of parents, staff, members of the local community and appointees of the Local Authority.
The Chair of the Governing Body is Mr. Daniel Webb.
Our role is to define the “ethos” of the school and to put in place the policies and targets for achievement that will shape how our children learn and develop. This is largely achieved through a variety of meetings, ranging from termly Whole Governing Body meetings through to various more focused subcommittees looking at the People, Curriculum, Premises and Finance.
Enhanced by our different backgrounds and experience, we all share the goal of recognising and celebrating the many strengths of our school, whilst at the same time refusing to settle for the school being simply ‘good enough’. We are very fortunate to have a dedicated Headteacher and Deputy Heads, keen and caring staff, an excellent learning environment, very supportive parents with a thriving Parents' and Friends' Association and, of course, over 500 young people who are, after all, what it’s all about.
The governors are all very happy for parents/carers and indeed anyone in our local community to share their opinions with us – or even just to have a more detailed chat about what the governors do. Please feel free to contact any of us via the school office.
Governing Body Composition
Gorseland Primary School is a community school and the governing body consists of:
2 Parent Governors
1 Local Authority Governor
1 Staff Governor
The Headteacher
8 Co-opted Governors
Daniel Webb (Chair)
Steve Farrow
Jennifer Marley
Nathan Pittam
Nick Shirley
Primary Purpose
To oversee, monitor and evaluate the strategic leadership of the school to maximize achievement and outcomes for children.
To set and review the organisational planning of the governing body and other committees to ensure the governing body is effective in driving school improvement.
Specific Responsibilities
To agree, early in the autumn term, the programme of work and calendar of meetings for the governing body and its committees for the school year based on known cycles of school improvement and financial management.
To agree the work of the governing body and its committees for each term
To monitor and evaluate the progress and effectiveness of work undertaken by committees, individual governors and the whole governing body
To establish and keep under review Critical Incident policy and procedures.
To establish and keep under review Governing Body protocol
To establish and keep under review arrangements for governor visits to school
To oversee governor involvement and effectiveness in formulating, monitoring and evaluating the School Improvement Plan
To be available and respond to matters of particular difficulty, sensitivity or emergency and offer advice and support to the Head Teacher.
To undertake tasks delegated by the whole governing body.
To make clear recommendations to other committees and the whole governing body were appropriate
To assist in the operation of the governing body in general
Monitoring of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance.
Meet regularly, at least once a term, with additional meetings where necessary.
Steve Farrow (Chair)
Jennifer Marley
Samir Rihani
Daniel Webb
Primary Purpose
Setting, monitoring and evaluating the budget allocated to the school to achieve value for money and best outcomes for pupils
Setting priorities for improvement and monitoring and evaluating the impact of the School Improvement Plan which relates to the committee's area of operation
To ensure that the school operates within the financial regulations of the County Council
To ensure the principles of best value are adhered to
To set priorities, including Health and Safety, for the maintenance and development of the school premise
Specific Responsibilities
In consultation with the Head Teacher, and in line with the School Development Plan, to review and recommend the Budget Plan
To establish and maintain an up to date one year Financial Plan and two year Strategic Budget Plan with reference to SFVS
To consider a budget position statement including virement decisions at least termly and to report significant anomalies from the expected position to the Governing Body
To monitor the impact of spending decisions on pupil outcomes within the school
Monitor ring-fenced budget expenditure including pupil premium and sports premium
To monitor expenditure of voluntary funds kept on behalf of the Governing Body
To monitor expenditure of the Devolved Formula Capital Fund
To monitor, evaluate and amend were appropriate procedures to limit financial risk
To make decisions in respect of service agreements and oversee premises related funding bids
To monitor premise related expenditure and oversee arrangements for repairs and maintenance within budget allocation
To establish and keep under review a Building Development Plan and an Accessibility Plan
To oversee arrangements, including Health and Safety, for use of school premises by outside users, subject to governing body policy
Setting and reviewing mandatory and related policies which relate to the committee's area of operation
To make decisions on expenditure following recommendations from other committees
To make clear recommendations to other committees and the Whole Governing Body were appropriate
To assist in the operation of the Governing Body in general
Meet regularly, at least once a term, with additional meetings where necessary
Jennifer Marley (Chair)
Steve Farrow
Samir Rihani
Daniel Webb
Primary Purpose
To have delegated authority to act on behalf of the Governing Body in all matters relating to pay and personnel as required. This includes matters relating to staffing structure, management, staffing reductions and dismissal, pay and conditions, grievance, discipline and competence.
To set priorities for monitoring and evaluating the impact of School Improvement Plan which relates to the committees area of operation.
Specific Responsibilities
To draft and keep under review the staffing structure in consultation with the Head Teacher and Financial Resources Committee
To establish a Salary Policy for all categories of staff and oversee its administration and review
To establish and review a Performance Management policy for all staff
To oversee the process relating to staff reductions should they be required
To oversee the appointment procedure for all staff and ensure that all procedures relating to the recruitment, selection and appointment of all staff in school meet statutory and safeguarding requirements.
Monitor the school's procedures for staff development and the associated impact on quality of teaching
To keep under review staff work / life balance, working conditions and well -being including the monitoring of any absence
To make recommendations on personnel related expenditure to the Financial Resources Committee
To consider any appeals against decisions on pay grading or pay awards.
In the Summer Term the Personnel Resources Committee should form the Pay Committee (not to include teaching staff) to moderate pay decisions, following consideration of the recommendations and the advice of the Head Teacher.
Nominated members of this Committee to form the Head Teacher Performance Review Group, whose specific responsibility is to make recommendations regarding the pay of the Head Teacher following the Head Teachers performance review
To make clear recommendations to other committees and the Whole Governing Body, where appropriate.
To assist the operation of the Governing Body in general.
Meeting regularly: at least once a term, with additional meetings where agreed necessary
Pupil Welfare
Nick Shirley (Chair)
Annika Burges
Aris Georgalas
Delma Kirkpatrick
Nathan Pittam
Primary Purpose
To ensure the school fulfills its legal and moral duties to promote the welfare of all pupils including: school safety and security, behaviour, attendance, discipline and exclusion and safeguarding of pupils.
To ensure that the school fulfills its legal and moral duties in relation to disadvantaged pupils and pupils with SEN and /or medical needs.
To ensure the school establishes and promotes effective engagement with both pupils and parents through a variety of means.
To gather and evaluate evidence that pupil premium and sports premium is managed effectively to promote the wellbeing and achievement of pupils
Specific Responsibilities
To meet statutory and key obligations of the Governing Body, including setting and reviewing mandatory policies, in respect of:
Anti Bullying
Pupil Premium
Health & Safety
To contribute to establishing, monitoring and evaluating sections of the School Improvement Plan relating to pupil welfare and providing a quality learning environment.
To establish, monitor the impact of, and keep under review all the school’s plans policies and procedures relating to the environment, health and safety and welfare of pupils.
To make clear recommendations to other committees and the Whole Governing Body, where appropriate.
To assist the operation of the Governing Body in general.
Meeting regularly: at least once a term, with additional meetings where agreed necessary
Nathan Pittam (Chair)
Nick Shirley
Annika Burges
Aris Georgalas
Delma Kirkpatrick
Primary Purpose
To hold senior leaders to account for all aspects of schools performance
To monitor and evaluate rates of progress and standards of achievement by pupils, including those who have SEN, disadvantaged pupils and the most able, as laid out in School Development Plan.
To ensure that the curriculum is balanced, broadly based, meets the needs of all pupils
To set priorities for monitoring and evaluating the impact of areas of the School Improvement Plan which relate to the committee’s area of operation
Specific Responsibilities
To monitor and evaluate the following:
the effectiveness of leadership and management on all aspects school performance
the impact of quality of teaching on rates of pupil progress and standards of achievement
the impact of continuing professional development on improving staff performance
the effectiveness of provision for children with special educational needs
the quality of the curriculum in securing high standards of achievement
the impact of any actions or interventions taken to address differential standards of achievement or rates of progress within groups of pupils (eg SEN, pupil premium)
To keep relevant sections of the Self Evaluation Form under review and update as necessary.
To set and review mandatory policies which relate to the committee’s area of operation.
To make clear recommendations to other committees and the Whole Governing Body, where appropriate.
To assist the operation of the Governing Body in general.
Meeting regularly: at least once a term, with additional meetings where agreed necessary.
Headteacher Performance
Jade Alam (Chair)
Jennifer Marley
Daniel Webb
Governor Attendance
Below is a record of attendance for Governor meetings.