

Music at Gorseland aims to bring joy to all. We hope to inspire creativity and self expression and for children to foster a lifelong love of music. Our curriculum aims to build the skills, knowledge and understanding to become effective listeners as well as confident composers and performers. We want to give all children the opportunity to listen and respond to a broad range of musical styles and genres, from all around the world and different times. We want children to have the opportunity to take their musical learning and enjoyment further by offering musical clubs, and we hope that they will be inspired to continue on their musical journey long after leaving Gorseland. We have a large range of musical instruments which we aim for all children to access throughout their time here. 

We believe that being creative contributes to the overall well-being and happiness of our children so we aim to include musical elements in many other areas of our curriculum, such as music played in assembly or a song learnt in a French lesson. 

Through collaborative music making, children enjoy working together to achieve something special, something that belongs to them and something they can feel a deep sense of pride in.


At Gorseland, our music curriculum ensures full National Curriculum coverage with an integrated, practical, exploratory and child-led approach to musical learning. Interrelated dimensions of music weave through the units to encourage the development of musical skills as the learning progresses through listening and appraising, differing musical activities (including creating and exploring) and performing.

Each Unit of Work comprises of the strands of musical learning which correspond with the national curriculum for music:

Our music curriculum enables children to understand musical concepts through a repetition-based approach to learning. Learning about the same musical concept through different musical activities enables a more secure, deeper learning and mastery of musical skills. 

Lessons have been designed as a spiral curriculum. Over time, children can both develop new musical skills and concepts, and re-visit established musical skills and concepts. Mastery means both a deeper understanding of musical skills and concepts and learning something new.


The expected impact of our music curriculum is that children will be able to:

Teachers make a judgement on the extent to which children have displayed competent skills and met the intended learning outcome each lesson and record this on assessment grids for each module. This feeds into an end of term teacher assessment for each child. Where learning is recorded in books, this is marked regularly by teachers and feedback is given to highlight learning and next steps. 

Subject leaders monitor teaching and learning in their subject through observing teaching and learning in lessons, analysing the work produced by children, talking to samples of children in different year groups about what they know and remember from their learning and termly data analysis to track the progress of learning in their subject across the school. 

Long Term Plan


Birth to 5 Matters

Year 1


Introduction Beat.

How Can We Make Friends When We Sing Together?

Adding, rhythm and pitch.

How does music tell stories about the past? 


Introducing Tempo and Dynamics

How Does Music Make the World a Better Place?

Combining pulse rhythm and pitch

How Does Music Help Us to Understand Our Neighbours?


Having fun with improvising

What Songs Can We Sing to Help Us through the Day?

Explore sounds and create a story

How Does Music Teach Us about Looking After Our Planet?

Year 2


Exploring simple patterns

How Does Music Help Us to Make Friends?

Focus on dynamics and tempo

How Does Music Teach Us about the Past?


Exploring feelings through music

How Does Music Make the World a Better Place?

Inventing a musical story

How Does Music Teach Us about Our Neighbourhood?


Music that makes you dance

How Does Music Make Us Happy?

Exploring improvisation

How Does Music Teach Us about Looking After Our Planet?

Year 3


Developing notation skills

How Does Music Bring Us Closer Together?

Enjoying improvising

What Stories Does Music Tell Us about the Past?


Composing using your imagination

How Does Music Make the World a Better Place?

Sharing musical experiences

How Does Music Help Us Get to Know Our Community?


Learning more about musical styles

How Does Music Make a Difference to Us Every Day?

Recognising different sounds

How Does Music Connect Us With Our Planet?

Year 4


Interesting time and signatures

How Does Music Bring Us Together?

Combining elements to make music

How Does Music Connect Us with Our Past?


Developing pulse and groove through improvisation 

How Does Music Improve Our World?

Creating simple melodies together

How Does Music Teach Us about Our Community?


Connecting notes and feelings 

How Does Music Shape Our Way Of Life?

Purpose, identity, expression in music.

How Does Music Connect Us With the Environment?

Year 5


Getting started with music tech

How Does Music Bring Us Together?

Emotions and musical 

How Does Music Connect Us with Our Past?


Exploring key and time signatures

How Does Music Improve Our World?

Introducing chords

How Does Music Teach Us about Our Community?


Words, meaning and expression

How Does Music Shape Our Way Of Life?

Identifying musical elements

How Does Music Connect Us With the Environment?

Year 6


Developing melodic phrases

How Does Music Bring Us Together?

Understanding structure and form

How Does Music Connect Us with Our Past?


Gaining confidence through performance

How Does Music Improve Our World?

Exploring notation further

How Does Music Teach Us about Our Community?


Using chords and structure

How Does Music Shape Our Way Of Life?

Respecting each other through composition.

How Does Music Connect Us With the Environment?