Welcome to Year 3

Robin Class Teacher

Wren Class Teachers

Mr. Chapman

Mrs. Boardman


Mrs. Wade




Our PE days are Thursdays and Fridays so please ensure a plain PE kit is worn to school on these days. 

Long hair should be tied back with earrings taken out or covered with tape before school, please.


Our library slot is on a Tuesday so please ensure your child's reading for pleasure book is in school this day to be changed.

Home Learning

Year 3 Curriculum Overview

Autumn Term

Year 3 Curriculum Overview Autumn 1.pdf
Year 3 Curriculum Overview Autumn 2.pdf

Spring Term

The Spring 1 overview is for this academic year and the Spring 2 overview will be reviewed by teachers ahead of the half term commencing.

Year 3 Curriculum Overview Spring 1.pdf
Year 3 Curriculum Overview Spring 2.pdf

Summer Term

These curriculum overviews will be reviewed by teachers ahead of the half terms commencing.

Year 3 Curriculum Overview Summer 1.pdf
Year 3 Curriculum Overview Summer 2.pdf

Learning Limelight 

Look out for examples of our learning in our Gorseland newsletters which are circulated every Friday. Previous newsletters can be viewed HERE.