Pupil Responsibilities

Pupil Voice - Class Council Meetings

At Gorseland, we actively promote pupil voice within our class bases. We also hold weekly 'class council meetings' in which pupils from Years 1-6 come together in mixed-age groups to discuss given topics and issues. This valuable opportunity has directly informed school decisions including which charities to support and the design of our Jubilee adventure playground. The children listen and respond to each other, they respect the opinions of others and Year 6 pupils chair the meetings and take minutes to share with the leadership team, enabling the development of vital life skills. 

Roles of Responsibility

Pupils of all ages are encouraged to take on roles of responsibility within their own classes and across the school. These opportunities enable personal development as the children communicate with others while actively participating in the development of the school and our community. 

Eco Warriors

Gorseland's Gardeners

Reading Ambassadors

Meeting Chairs


Equipment Monitors

Digital Leaders