Religious Education


At Gorseland, through RE, we aim to give children valuable insights into the diverse beliefs and opinions held by people today. It helps with their own personal development and supports an understanding of the spiritual, moral, social & cultural questions that surface again and again in their lives.

We also believe that a clear knowledge of religions and religious practices will, in the future, support much of their historical learning, as they learn about the impact of faith on many historical events. 

We think it is essential that children start from a strong sense of their place in a family and the recognition of the celebrations that happen there. At Gorseland we value the experiences and faiths of those in our classes. We do however appreciate that Gorseland school lacks the religious diversity which might be represented in other schools, which makes RE possibly even more important. We believe that RE provides a clear opportunity to educate our pupils about people, religions and cultures within Britain as a whole. To support this, where possible, we welcome visitors from various faiths and visits to faith buildings and communities.

At Gorseland, our religious education is approached with ‘world view’ thinking, ie not all Jewish people practise their faith in the same way, so we might say things like “Some people with a Jewish world view celebrate Shabbat by…”. Our intent here is to acknowledge all people’s faiths and religious perspectives and individuality even within one faith.

Our aims and objectives are for children:


At Gorseland, RE is taught through the Emmanuel Project scheme of work, which fulfils RE requirements for all schools, and is based on the Suffolk Agreed Syllabus. 

The Emmanuel Project scheme of work Follows an enquiry cycle model within each unit, whereby children engage with new material, make enquiries, explore these enquiries, evaluate their learning and express their learning through a range of tasks and activities. All the units expand the EXPLORE section into three areas (scriptural text or narrative, community practice and daily living) to ensure a balanced approach to religious material, rather than an approach that focuses solely on religious festivals or sacred stories. Lessons focus on key beliefs and concepts of six different faiths and a non-religious worldview, as the driver to get to the heart of faith and link together stories, practices, festivals and ways of life. 

In accordance with the Suffolk agreed syllabus for RE teaching, RE lessons at Gorseland include:

Learning about religion, which includes enquiry into and investigation of the nature of religion, its key beliefs and teachings, practices, their impacts on the lives of believers and communities, and the varying ways in which these are expressed. It also includes the skills of interpretation, analysis and explanation. Pupils learn to communicate their knowledge and understanding using specialist vocabulary. It also includes identifying and developing an understanding of ultimate questions and ethical issues.


Learning from religion which is concerned with developing pupils’ reflection on and response to their own experiences and their learning about religion. It develops pupils’ skills of application, interpretation and evaluation of what they learn about religion, particularly to questions of identity and belonging, meaning, purpose and truth and values and commitments, and communicating their responses.

RE at Gorseland provides opportunities for children and young people to reflect and analyse, to discuss and debate, to explore and discover, and to learn more about the world in which they live.

Christian RE is particularly important with relation to living in a broadly and historically Christian country. A keen experience of Christian RE will enable the children to understand, for example, references to stories such as Noah and the rainbow, even in casual remarks. We hope that the RE learnt at Gorseland will, in future, support their understanding of much historical art and music, being enhanced by the knowledge of some Biblical narrative.

We aim to provide children with engaging and unforgettable experiences in religious education. Our children will learn about the variety of religions in the world we live in to increase their awareness and understanding of different cultures and faiths. Our learners think about what drives people of faith to live the way they do. This builds each child’s ‘religious literacy’, helping them understand the nature of religion and belief in the world in which they live. Children then have the opportunity to learn from this religious belief e.g. reconciliation, and put this into practice in their own lives.


The intended outcome of our RE curriculum is that children will:

Teachers make a judgement on the extent to which children have displayed competent skills and met the intended learning outcome each lesson and record this on assessment grids for each module. This feeds into an end of term teacher assessment for each child. Where learning is recorded in books, this is marked regularly by teachers and feedback is given to highlight learning and next steps. 

The RE subject leader monitors teaching and learning in their subject through observing teaching and learning in lessons, analysing the work produced by children, talking to samples of children in different year groups about what they know and remember from their learning and termly data analysis to track the progress of learning in their subject across the school.

Long Term Plan



Creation 1 and  A muslim whispering Allah into a baby's ear.

Incarnation 1 and Muhammad and the ants


Salvation 1 and Sikh, Gobind and the 52 princes.

Salvation 2 and Buddhism The monkey king


Incarnation 2 and Hindus celbrating Raksha Bandhan

Creation 2 and Jewish Birthday Tree

Year 1


Christianity Baptism / church Why is belonging to God and the church family important to Christians?

Judaism Mitzvot / tzedakah Why is learning to do good deeds so important to Jewish people?


Christianity Parables / gospel What did Jesus teach about God in his parables?

Christianity Prayer / worship Why do Christians pray to God and worship him? Christianity Emmanuel / Holy Spirit How does celebrating Pentecost remind C


Christianity Emmanuel / Holy Spirit How does celebrating Pentecost remind Christians that God is with them always?

Judaism Tefillah/ blessings Why do Jewish families say so many prayers and blessings?

Year 2


Judaism Teshuvah / G-D Why do Jewish families talk about repentance at New Year?

Christianity Saviour / Jesus Why was Jesus given the name ‘saviour’?


Islam Allah / mercy How do some Muslims show Allah is compassionate and merciful?

Christianity Resurrection / joy What are the best symbols of Jesus’ death & resurrection at Easter?


Christianity Disciple / faith Why do Christians trust Jesus and follow him?

Judaism Torah / rabbi Why is the Torah such a joy for the Jewish community?

Year 3


Christianity How do Christians show that reconciliation with God and others is important?

Islam How does a Muslim show their submission and obedience to Allah?


Hinduism Why do Hindus want to collect good karma?

Christianity Is the cross a symbol of love, sacrifice or commitment for Christians?


Christianity What do Christians mean when they talk about the Kingdom of God?

Judaism What symbols and stories help Jewish people remember their covenant with God?

Year 4


Hinduism How does the story of Rama and Sita inspire Hindus to follow their dharma?

Islam Why do Muslims call Muhammad the ‘seal of the prophets’?


Christianity How does believing Jesus is their saviour inspire Christians to save and serve others?

Sikhism How does the teaching of the gurus move Sikhs from dark to light?


Christianity Why do Christians believe they are people on a mission?

Sikhism How do Sikhs put their beliefs about equality into practice?

Year 5


Christianity Why is the gospel such good news for Christians?

Islam What does the Qur’an reveal about Allah and his guidance?


Hinduism What spiritual pathways to Moksha are written about in Hindu scriptures?

Judaism What is holiness for Jewish people: a place, a time, an object or something else?


Christianity What is the great significance of the Eucharist for Christians?

Buddhism How did Buddha teach his followers to find enlightenment?

Year 6


Christianity How do Christians show their belief that Jesus is God incarnate?

Islam How does tawhid create a sense of belonging to the Muslim community?


Hinduism How do questions about Brahman and atman influence the way a Hindu lives?

Buddhism How does the Triple Refuge help Buddhists in their journey through life?


Christianity Should believing in the resurrection change how Christians view life and death?

Humanism Why do Humanists say happiness is the goal of life?